The Coral Reef Adventure


What happened to the Coral?

Did you know that coral reefs, like the ones you see in the ocean, are like magical underwater cities for fish and other marine creatures? But here's something important to know: coral reefs can't handle too much heat. Imagine if your favorite swimming pool got a little too warm for you – that's what happens to coral when the ocean gets just 1°C hotter. Coral reefs, with their beautiful colors and shapes, are super sensitive to changes in temperature. When it gets too warm, it stresses them out, and they can't survive.

If the ocean get just 1°C hotter, corals are at risk of dying off! Coral reefs aren't just pretty to look at; they're also homes for lots of fish. Fish need Coral to survive, without coral they won't have access to the food and shelter they need. So, if we don't take care of our planet and help stop it from getting too warm, the coral reefs could struggle, and that would make life tough for the fish, too. That's why it's super important for us to learn about and protect these amazing underwater worlds – for the fish, for the coral, and for all of us too!